graphic that reads: Frequently asked questions

You´ve got questions? Here are some answers. 

Wondering if the Breakthrough Series is right for you?

Find out below!

You´ve worked with a lot of women. Do you also help men?

I do not. I have decided to focus on [self-identifying] women and non-binary individuals who want to create a positive and lasting change in their lives. As a woman, mother of four daughters, and grandmother of two little girls, this is my happy place! 


Do I have to be a certain age? 

Yes. I work with women over 50, though I do accept some clients in their late 40s. 

Most of my clients are in their fifties and sixties, but I coach women in their 70s as well.

(My oldest client so far is 78, and she is amazing!) 


You work with ¨creative¨ women - what does that mean? 

You get to identify yourself as creative. And this is key, because switching your story is a creative process. If you get excited about ideas and love to make (any kind of) things, creating your new narrative and making it come alive will be a joy.

If you insist you are just not creative, this won´t work. You see, we embrace creativity around here, especially our own. This is the starting point for all the work we do!


What kinds of limiting beliefs or blocks do you help with?

Basically, I work with self-identifying creative women over 50 who are facing any barrier to their personal or professional growth and fulfillment. These blocks can be related to personal lossfinancial securityconfidence, relationships, retirement, transitions, health challenges, work struggles, or trauma-based responses to a variety of triggers.


What if I decide I want more support after my Breakthrough Series? 

I do offer an option to continue working with me for two more months (90 days in all).

Most clients feel completely happy and on their way after 30 days.

But those who make major moves quickly tend to choose to extend their series in order to adapt in healthy ways to their new success. This allows them to build a stronger foundation and manage any new challenges they may face, such as impostor syndrome.


What if I am already seeing a therapist or coach?

That´s excellent! It´s helpful to get guidance in whatever way works for you. Just remember that if you feel you are not getting the results you are hoping for despite your best efforts, you are always free to make changes and consider other options.


What if I am taking medication for anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues? 

Many of my clients are taking medication for a range of reasons. What matters more than the medication you´re taking is how it´s making you feel. If you are experiencing any suicidal thoughts or engaging in self-harm, I do not have the professional background to guide you. I cannot be the one to help you through this experience, but I urge you to seek guidance from a skilled therapist you believe can help you. I fully understand the challenge you are facing, and encourage you to get the help you need AND trust your ability to get through this.

I have been there. I believe in you. 


What if I am dealing with addiction? 

I recognize what an all-consuming struggle that can be. I encourage you to get the support you need and want through a harm-reduction organization or other services near you. But I am not qualified to guide you on this part of your journey, dear one.

I hold you in the highest love, wish you well, and look forward to hearing from you when you are ready.


Who are you, anyway? 

Excellent question! You can learn more on my About page.

Not what you wanted to know? Just send me your question


Are you a certified coach?

Yes! I am certified in trauma-informed coaching, with additional training in breakthrough transformational coaching, creativity training, and mindfulness training.

I do not offer general life coaching.


How do I schedule my Breakthrough Session?

Visit my Clarity Call page where you can schedule your

 free 15-minute Clarity Call. During or after our call, we schedule your 60-minute Breakthrough Session. We will use  Zoom or your preferred video app.

(If you prefer audio-only, that´s fine, too!)


Do you offer refunds for your Breakthrough Series? 

No, I do not. Because of the nature of these sessions and the time required before, during, and after each one, no refunds are available.

Coaching is always a client-led experience. Your results depend on your unique set of circumstances, your commitment to your Integration Phase, and your willingness to grow and adapt to your new narrative. If you feel unsatisfied with your Breakthrough Series or your Integration Phase, I will be happy to continue to work with you to find a way to facilitate your transformation. Thank you for understanding! 


Do you have a blog?

Yes! It´s called Gimme a Breakthrough! 

I write about transformational coaching, creative breakthroughs, and much more related to living a creative life. Look for more posts coming soon!


Do you have a newsletter?

Coming soon! I will send out my Sparky newsletter on Fridays. 

It´s short but sweet, with one strategy, one story, and one surprise.

You can subscribe here.


Are you on social media?


I post on my new accounts on Instagram @mayafrostcoaching

and Tiktok @gimmeabreakthrough

You can also find me on:

LinkedIn Maya Frost

Pinterest Maya Frost