Breakthrough Session + Integration Support For 30 Days

The Breakthrough Session + Integration Support series is designed to help you see, understand, release, and rewrite your most persistent limiting belief that is preventing you from growing in a way that leads to your most exciting possibilities.

Don´t think you have a limiting belief?

TRUTH: ALL beliefs are limiting!

So, examining your thoughts about your abilities and possibilities is essential.

That´s where we begin, because it lays the foundation for your success.

We focus on helping you tap into your own wisdom and learn how to use it. 

Rather than offer advice or solutions, I guide you in discovering the answers you know intuitively. Because understanding how to find your own solutions is the best way for you to move forward into your exciting possibilities! 

Voice vs. Video

While we may choose to use video chats for your Integration Phase, your initial Breakthrough Session will be done via voice and text message.

I have found that removing the visual allows for greater focus on your thought process and results in deeper reflection and more helpful insights. 

I will guide you through questions to help you get clear on any persistent beliefs that may be preventing you from making the choices you want for yourself.

Then, we will go through a re-imagining process to create a new narrative that aligns with your new awareness and your stated intentions.

This is a co-creation experience. You play an active role in designing the brilliant new story that will serve you and support your goals.

We will continue the session until we reach a natural resolution, which generally takes about one hour, but please allow up to 90 minutes for this process.


Momentum matters.

In fact, it´s the key ingredient to getting your new story to stick.

So, we dive right into getting rid of what´s holding you back so you can feel motivated to move forward immediately. (As in, Day Two.)


My clients require just one Breakthrough Session, along with the support I provide for 30 days afterward.

After that, they are happily skipping ahead using what they have learned and created.

And that´s because we spend the first crucial month after our Breakthrough Session making sure you are embracing your new story and plugging it into your life in big ways!

How can you experience a creative breakthrough in just one session?

It´s important to understand this: 

a creative breakthrough is initiated during a single session,

but it takes weeks to integrate

Sure, Einstein´s theory of relativity started with an a-ha moment, but it took six weeks of chin stroking, hair tugging, and formula scribbling before he actually worked it out.

The first step is to accept the possibility that it can happen.

And the next step is to understand that it is a process.

The best way to see how this works is through client stories.

On the Home page, I share stories of clients who faced challenging circumstances. 

But even when your challenge is relationship-based, a breakthrough can shift everything


branding company owner


¨I went through therapy years ago, but a year after my divorce, I felt worse about myself than ever

In my session with Maya, I realized how my divorce was affecting my business. Dealing with my limiting beliefs around abandonment turned everything around. I switched my story to one of myself as a magnetic connector, someone who naturally attracts people who value me (something I seriously questioned after my ex-husband´s affair and re-marriage.) 

I shifted my business to focus only on companies embracing sustainability. Immediately, I felt aligned, and got new clients right away!

After that profound session and switching my story, I reached out to my sister. We had become estranged, which Maya helped me recognize was related to the trauma of our loss. Since my sister is six years older, she had a helpful read on things. We talk regularly now, which is a direct result of my work with Maya. 

My business is growing. My sister and I took a trip together for the first time in twenty years. And I have started dating! It´s rough out there, but I know I am lovable and deserve stability in my relationships. That is a gift that keeps me going despite the inevitable dating disappointments. I feel calm, happy, and optimistic about my future.¨


industrial designer


¨I had recently lost my mother. We had a troubled past. It hit me much harder than I expected. Months went by, and I was unable to find joy in anything. Work became nearly impossible. My husband and I were newly separated (my despair and anger drove him away). My two children were attending university in the States. It seemed that every call ended up as an argument. I felt alone and defeated.

When I worked with Maya, I discovered a memory about my mother that gave me peace. Afterward, I cried happy tears as I felt my mother´s love for me. I understood our relationship in a deeper way. I chose to forgive her.

It´s hard to believe that just one hour could make such a difference. I am free now. At work, I am the lead designer on an exciting new project. Best of all, my husband and I are together again and very happy. My children and I share more openly and respectfully now. And I trust myself to know what is right for me. I am so grateful for the loving help I received from Maya."


grief therapist


¨As a therapist specializing in grief, I understand the complexities of limiting stories. I turned to Maya when I was facing a barrier of my own. I had lost the love of my life, my partner of 26 years, who passed after a long illness. In a classic case of the expert being unable to help herself, I was sideswiped by my own grief. 

Maya was insightful in her questioning. Thanks to her skillful process, I was able to see that I could not forgive myself for the chain of events on the day he died.

Recognizing the absurdity of those events and the fact that he would have laughed at the cosmic (and comic) catastrophe of it all gave me a tremendous sense of relief. I stopped blaming myself for what I could not control. From that moment, things felt lighter.

I highly recommend working with Maya. She is a kind facilitator."

Our focus is on facilitating your breakthrough and teaching you how to progress on your own.

We will use a powerful and proven technique that will help you:

🔵 clarify your limiting belief

🔵 understand its impact

🔵 let go of its power

🔵 craft a new story that uplifts and inspires you 

🔵 and learn how to do this for yourself

Every step we go through together builds your skills and serves as your personal case study that you can turn to again and again when facing any future limiting stories.


You will have tasks to complete (writing and creative visioning) that require about ten minutes per day.

If you are willing to invest this time and energy into your process, you can experience a creative breakthrough that leads to new levels of connection and fulfillment.

Our transformational insight partnership requires mutual trust.

It is important that you trust me to guide your Breakthrough process.

And I have to trust that you are ready to accept the awareness that will come to you and willing to switch your story in order to embrace your potential.

Thank you for being willing to believe in yourself. 

This already tells me so much about you! 

I look forward to helping you open up to your thrilling possibilities.
