How It Started - Developing My Creative Breakthrough Technique

I developed my quick & effective technique while doing pro bono work with women around the world who were struggling during the pandemic.

First, I reached out to my non-profit contacts and said,

¨Send me your clients who are grappling with grief.¨ The requests trickled in.

Then, I got some press. Suddenly, I was FLOODED with requests.

Faced with their urgent needs, I chose to work with women over 50 who were dealing with loss and serving as the sole breadwinners in their extended families. 

My approach was simple and fast by necessity.


ALL of these women were supporting various combinations of their children, parents, siblings, and others.

ALL had lost their jobs or were forced to close a business.

ALL had also lost a partner or parent to COVID or another illness.

They were grieving, exhausted, facing financial ruin, and resistant to trying something new. 

So, I threw everything I knew into a process that could quickly help them support their loved ones.


It was the middle of the pandemic.

Everyone was home and online.

It was the perfect time for online courses!

(Read about my own first course - back in 2003 - here.)


We started with a Breakthrough Session to help them release their limiting stories,

followed by 30 days of 1:1 online coaching support and accountability.


In just four weeks, I accompanied them as they

* processed their grief enough to get back on their feet again and sense their possibilities,

* worked through any lingering self-doubt while recognizing their unique skills and talents,

* fine-tuned and integrated their new narrative and imagined success scenarios for their course options

* built and launched their first simple digital course, and created a marketing strategy

You see, they changed their lives in ways they could not have imagined just weeks earlier, with exponential growth in multiple areas.

They had changed, and that changed everything.

I had no idea that this turbo-charged technique would be so profoundly pivotal and consistently effective. 

I was just doing my best to help these women put food on the table for their families!

For two years, I charged nothing. 


Then I started testing my technique with clients who were facing other types of challenges.  

I tweaked and refined my Breakthrough series to go deeper while staying light.

I offered it to paying clients. 

It worked.

And it kept on working, in all kinds of circumstances.

Here are a few of the women who turned things around in a short period of time while facing extreme challenges. Which of their stories resonates most with you?



friendship coach


¨Loneliness is a very big problem in Japan. After my husband died and my two children moved to Tokyo for jobs, I was very lonely, too. But I had moved many times, so I knew how to make friends! Maya reminded me to spend time with my neighbors and co-workers. Soon, I made friends, and helped others make friends, too. I didn´t charge money. So, I had to work at a cafe also. But this was good for meeting people I can help!

Maya showed me how to make a fun friendship course online, like a game. Everyone loves it! 

So many people all over Japan take my course now. I have private clients, too. I have a big wall with so many photos they send to me with their new friends. It makes me so happy! 

I never dreamed I could be a professional friendship coach. My children are so proud! I am very honored to help with this issue in our society.¨


custodial grandparent mentor

South Africa

¨My daughter died suddenly of cancer, and I gained custody of my two granddaughters, then ages 2 and 4. I was still grieving from the loss of my husband the year before, and had a stressful job as a social services director. I was completely overwhelmed.

Maya showed me that I could help other custodial grandparents. I had worked with many in my job, and now I truly understood their challenges. 

In our session, it became clear that I could start by creating support groups within the agency I worked for. I really enjoyed helping other grandparents, and decided I was ready to start my own organization. 

Within a few months, I quit my job to expand my services to grandparents outside of South Africa. I now work from home, where I can spend time with my sweet girls. It has been a joy to build this community of grandparents.¨ 


organic farmer & herbalist


¨After I was diagnosed with multiple auto-immune diseases at the age of 44, I felt like my life was over. I had always been active and healthy. Suddenly, I was bedridden.

I moved in with my mother, who had a small farm.

I am so lucky that she became a skilled and passionate gardener in her later years! I paid close attention to the lessons she taught me. As I got stronger, I quite literally dug into understanding more about the power of herbs to heal our bodies.  

And then my mother died. I was devastated. Maya helped me to see the potential for using the farm to help others who were suffering. 

As a certified herbalist, I now teach parents of immune-compromised children how to use herbal remedies to improve their family´s health and happiness.

I have so much gratitude for the chance to live in this beautiful place, and to honor the ground my mother so lovingly tended.¨




¨Our city was destroyed. My son and I fled to Poland. As a psychologist, I recognized the severe trauma that all war refugees were experiencing, but I was terrified to try to help anyone. I felt too fragile. I feared I would be overwhelmed by their grief. 

Maya helped me to see that I could use my grief as my power. I had empathy and the skills to guide others through this unimaginable misery. 

I started a free clinic for displaced Ukrainian mothers here. Working with them has helped me to heal myself each day.

I have brought my remaining family members here, and I support them through the work I do with private clients. Although the horrors continue, we focus on caring for each other and finding small everyday joys.  

This is the most deeply fulfilling work I have ever done.¨




¨When the pandemic hit, I crashed. The pain of helplessly witnessing the deaths of so many of my neighbors in New York City broke me. 

Maya got me going again. I created an online course for other muralists. Helping artists brought me back to myself. Decision makers started to approach me. I was offered projects that I never would have attempted to apply for.

Then, my mother fell ill. I left New York and moved back to France to care for her. (I am French Algerian.) Returning to a predominantly African community touched me deeply.

Again, I reached out to Maya for help. Her process gave me clarity. Now, I work with young artists in immigrant communities to create murals that instill cultural pride.

As my mother was dying and our neighbors offered loving support, I realized that this is truly where I belong. I am honored to do my best work here.¨


tiny home designer


¨My partner died in an accident. A few months later, the architecture firm I worked for was acquired and moved abroad. As a single mother, I needed to find work, but in my small city, options were limited.

Maya helped me to see what I truly wanted. I had designed a tiny home that was built on my property for my mother. Having her so close truly enriched our lives, and I wanted to help other families bring their older loved ones closer

I had my first client within two weeks of working with Maya. I started my own firm, and now have two employees.

Each day, I look forward to talking to the team and meeting with clients. I love the work we do together." 


vocal coach


¨After getting panic attacks during my last two performances, I had to stop doing what I loved most and had trained my whole life for. I was sick with grief.

To pay the bills, I worked six days a week teaching local voice students in my flat. I became physically ill, and my anxiety was at an all-time high. 

Maya walked me through the tech, and within a week, I was teaching all my students online! I got healthier and more relaxed.

Next, she showed me how to start an online voice course. It attracted high-level clients from all over Europe, allowing me to raise my rates and work fewer hours.   

Then, Maya revived my long-forgotten dream of living in Italy. Within a year, I bought a charming little house in a small city in southern Italy. I helped my mother refurbish her own home near mine, and my daughter (who works remotely) now lives with her.

I have partnered with a local teacher to create a free after-school music program for over 200 schoolchildren here

At 56, I am happier, healthier, and more connected to my community than ever.¨

All of these women (and over 100 others) chose to switch their stories and beliefs about themselves in order to create a life they love.


In the process, they improved the lives of their families,

uplifted their communities,

and created an exciting new future for themselves and others.



I no longer offer my Breakthrough coaching.

But I use what I learned every single day.

Helping others work through their despair in order to see new possibilities is perfectly aligned with supporting those moving through collapse awareness to creative adaptation and crafted resilience. 


If you´d like to partner with someone who can help you:


🔷 navigate through your grief about the world while

🔷 opening to your longing and

🔷 imagining new ways to rise to this calling,

I would love to hear from you.